Asad Umar Address at Chairman PTI Imran Khan announcing the 100 days agenda of PTI (20.05.18)


Asad Umar Address at Chairman PTI Imran Khan announcing the 100 days agenda of PTI (20.05.18)

Asad Umar Address at Chairman PTI Imran Khan announcing the 100 days agenda of PTI (20.05.18)

“We are seeing Pakistan sinking under international debt. Our government is in no position to compete globally, and we are not even able to cover our losses. At one time our entire years deficit was 2 billion, now we are seeing that deficit in one months. We are one of the youngest populations in the world, but we are unable to create jobs at the rate at which young people are coming into the job market. I want to highlight three big areas;

Till we do not empower small and medium manufacturing enterprises and help them rise again, we cannot progress. You see previously flourishing areas like Faisalabad where so many medium and small enterprises are being sold and young people out of jobs. Our business community is not being able to deal with the burden of unequal taxes. We have to change this system.

Secondly, we need an energy policy. The most expensive electricity and the most expensive gas if it is being provided in Pakistan; how will our people compete globally? We need to make these cheap across the board.

The excesses of those in governance; because of this instead of money coming into the country; a lot of it is taken out of the country. With so much funds leaving the country and rampant corruption, how do we expect to attract investment? You go 100 yards outside of Islamabad and you will see the rate of poverty. It has become impossible for the common man to dream of owning a home. Under the PM housing scene under the leadership of Imran Khan we will make policies that will make housing cheaper across the board in Pakistan. We will do work on these in the first 100 days of Imran Khan in power.

The tourism potential that Pakistan has been blessed with is enormous. And it is a job intensive sector with the power to uplift youth and create tourism relation jobs. We want to create and announce 4 new tourist destinations; you saw Imran Khan going across KP and Baltistan last year.

Without the reform of the FBR nothing will happen. We want to bring in FBR reforms and a tax policy based on justice and business development.

According to organisations like the World Bank; Pakistan has massive potential to do business. But Pakistan has fallen from 107 to 147 on the business development index. PM Imran Khan will personally lead this business development in the region. We have to reverse this downfall and come back to a number lower than 100. This is not impossible to do; just to give you an example… you have seen Imran Khan through his sheer willpower and ability to lead won matches back from the impossible and we will reverse this too.

Our political institutions; whether it is PIA, steel mills etc are all contributing to losses worth 1100 billion. Mian Sab whose children when they touch something it apparently turns to gold, has run our institutions into the ground. Till our institutions are in the hands of politicians nothing will change. We will remove these institutions from under the ministries and put them in the hands of professionals, professional Pakistanis from across the world, to uplift the potential of these institutions. There is a massive misconception that this deterioration cannot be reversed: we will make Pakistan successful all the way from the labourers to our top institutions.

As far as energy is concerned, we know what big fake promises were made. Big projects were implemented with no future care as to how to run them. We need to reform our energy institutions too. Environmental deterioration has to be reversed and our dependence on imported coal to be removed. We need to move towards sustainable and renewable energy and have a policy reform to change from expensive energy projects and move towards a competitive market structure.

Currently the only projects done under cpec are infrastructure projects. This is not the full purpose of cpec. There is supposed to be interaction and relationship building all the way down to small business communities. You can not harness potential of cpec till u do not bring the private sector into it as well. Pakistan and China combined will progress if we implement these.

Of course, to implement all of this we need funds. We need a reformation of our banking system. We have no institutions left and our financial system needs a complete overhaul. Our financial system should be profitable to the level that we are able to work for the progress of Pakistan. InshAllah all this will happen under leadership of Imran Khan and implementation begin within 100 days of him taking government.” – Asad Umar