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All about Pakistani Politics and political news elections 2018. The politics of Pakistan takes place within the framework established by the constitution. The country is a federal parliamentary republic in which provincial governments enjoy a high degree of autonomy and residuary powers. Executive power is vested with the national cabinet which is headed by the prime minister, who works coherently along with the bicameral parliament and the judicature. Stipulations set by the constitution provide a delicate check and balance of sharing powers between executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government. Imran Khan chairman heading Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf PTI have progressed as the first largest party in the previous political ground of two party system. Zardari co-chairman ppp on the other hand is heading PPP although he claim that Bilawal bhutto is the political head of Peoples party. Punjab based PMLN have recently got a blow when Supreme court of Pakistan gave a game changing testimony against PMLN's head Mr. Mian Nawaz Sharif. Things are changing quickly for elections 2018. Lets see who will form the government in the center. ANP, MQM, MMA and Other parties from all four provinces will have a tough elections this time. Imran Khan is going to give tough competition to all political parties in election 2018

میڈیا کا ایک اور جھوٹ پکڑا گیا لاھور ایرپورٹ پر شراب بکنے کے حوالے سے میڈیا نے جھوٹی خبر دے دی جبکہ ایسا کچھ نہیں ہے.....video

میڈیا کا ایک اور جھوٹ پکڑا گیا لاھور ایرپورٹ پر شراب بکنے کے حوالے...

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