On the second day of Belt and Road conference, Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his gratitude and congratulated President Xi Jinping on organising the event.


On the second day of Belt and Road conference, Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his gratitude and congratulated President Xi Jinping on organising the event.

On the second day of Belt and Road conference, Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his gratitude and congratulated President Xi Jinping on organising the event.

While addressing the Leaders Round Table conference he said that China is a decent example of a Modern World. A visible prosperous change in social and economic lives of Chinese people is a living proof of it and it was achieved through the visionary leadership’s of President Xi Jinping and the support of the people. This event also envisions his farsightedness and progressive thinking in bringing a positive change within the region.

While discussing Pakistan’s role in Belt and Road project, Imran Khan said that in our continent, Pakistan holds a geographically significant position. CPEC has immense economic potential, not only for Pakistan and China but also for the entire region as its port will connect continents, giving convenient access to products from all over he region.

Khan also recommended the leaders to promote Tourism Corridor as it is another key economic factor and to develop skill and Human Resources.
#PrimeMinisterImranKhan #Pakistan #China #CPEC #BeltandRoad #BRF2019