Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan puts forward his agenda of being a people person. He requests HRH Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman to allow Immigration processing of Hajji’s in Pakistan and also requests to review and reconsider the status of imprisoned Pakistani’s specifically labor class languishing in Saudi jails and consider them as their own. In response to Prime Minister Imran Khan’s request for Saudi Arabia to treat Pakistani Labourers as their own people, Saudi crown prince says “Consider me ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia”. #CrownPrinceinPakistan #PrimeMinisterImranKhan


Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan puts forward his agenda of being a people person. He requests HRH Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman to allow Immigration processing of Hajji’s in Pakistan and also requests to review and reconsider the status of imprisoned Pakistani’s specifically labor class languishing in Saudi jails and consider them as their own. In response to Prime Minister Imran Khan’s request for Saudi Arabia to treat Pakistani Labourers as their own people, Saudi crown prince says “Consider me ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia”.
#CrownPrinceinPakistan #PrimeMinisterImranKhan

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan puts forward his agenda of being a people person. He requests HRH Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman to allow Immigration processing of Hajji’s in Pakistan and also requests to review and reconsider the status of imprisoned Pakistani’s specifically labor class languishing in Saudi jails and consider them as their own. In response to Prime Minister Imran Khan’s request for Saudi Arabia to treat Pakistani Labourers as their own people, Saudi crown prince says “Consider me ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia”.
#CrownPrinceinPakistan #PrimeMinisterImranKhan