PTV News Short Report on European Union and WWF Pakistan Event Climate Diplomacy Day at Pakistan National Council of Arts Islamabad (07.10.18)


PTV News Short Report on European Union and WWF Pakistan Event Climate Diplomacy Day at Pakistan National Council of Arts Islamabad (07.10.18)

PTV News Short Report on European Union and WWF Pakistan Event Climate Diplomacy Day at Pakistan National Council of Arts Islamabad (07.10.18)
#PTI #ClimateChange #ClimateMatters #ClimaDiplo #ClimateDiplomacyWeek2018

The European Union Delegation to Pakistan and WWF-Pakistan joined hands to promote action on climate change by celebrating Climate Change Diplomacy Week. The event brought together people from all walks of life to become part of the exchanges taking place worldwide in exploring opportunities through the transition to low carbon economies while ensuring equitable access to sustainable development.